Saturday, December 26, 2009

After the gifts have been opened
After the tree is gone
After the carols have faded
May the happiness linger on
Merry Christmas from the Clements Family in Budapest
The below photos were taken at 5am - after Santa's visit. I couldn't sleep so I camped out on the sofa waiting for the kids to wake up. They finally came down at about 7:45am...

Greta (11 1/2 yrs old) above tried to stay awake with me while our other 2 dogs snored on...

The stockings all stuffed

The tree was surrounded by presents - including a Barbie bike for Ali.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Our Nativity Sets

All 3 kids loved helping me put out our nativity sets back in early December. I've collected quite a few over the years. They loved matching each little Baby Jesus to his Mother Mary. It was very fun.

Terence Loves His Books

I found Terence lying on our bed the other evening reading about all the complex statistics regarding each planet in our solar system. When I laid down next to him, he started talking about everything he was reading with me. He came up with some really interesting comments and questions. For example, after he noticed Jupiter's gravity was 2.1 something compared to Earth he started to chuckle. Then he said, "I bet you wouldn't even be able to open your mouth on Jupiter with the gravity being that strong".

When I noticed Pluto wasn't listed in his book, I mentioned that when I was in school we were taught that there were 9 planets in our solar system. He replied confidently, "Yeah, you were taught Pluto was the 9th planet. But then they discovered it's just a mass of ice".

Snowball Fight

Since Saturday, December 19th, we've had quite a bit of snow. The kids have really enjoyed it. Yesterday Terence's 2 best buddies, Riley and Liam (living in Tampa now), were here visiting. They are in town with their family for their Christmas break. Mia and Ali's friend, Sophia (she's a bit older), was also here with Keira (Riley and Liam's little sister). The house was full of laughter and joy. They all played so nicely together.

The day started with the 3 boys (plus one other friend, Peti), sledding across the street for almost 3 hours! After they came home and I fed them lunch, they decided to go back out again in the early evening. I got these videos of them in playing in the backyard.

It looked like they started to make a snowman but instead laid the big round snow mounds side-by-side. It looked like a snow centipede. It turned out it was a fort.

Then, the girls decided to go out and join them.

Which led to a great snowball fight.

Last night we had 6 kids (3 of our own and Sophia, Riley and Liam) sleeping here.

Fekete November Visit

One night back in November, the Fekete family came for a visit. They are good friends of ours who used to live in Budapest but dad's job took them out to Moscow a few years ago. The kids have all known each other since they were babies and it's always a fun reunion. Here are a few photos.

The first one is of Mia and Sonya. Sonya's mom, Imola, and I were pregnant with these two crazy girls at the same time. They were born within about a week of each other and have always been close friends. Now that Ali is older, she loved hanging with the 2 of them, too. They all jumped in our bed to watch their iTouches.

Then, one of the girls (probably Ali) snapped these lovely photos of all of us.

me and Imola


Here is Mia and Sonya again...

Ali adored the oldest Fekete kid, Sophie and did not want her to leave...
And, the boys doing what they always love best: video games. Here T and Sean are playing Wii.

November Bedroom Tree Decorating

Back in mid-November the kids got their bedroom x-mas trees (fake ones) all set up and decorated. I failed to post Mia's tree decorating process until now. I have to look and see if I took any of T's tree. If I didn't get any while we were decorating, I'll make sure to get a shot of his tree in his room as it's also really beautiful.

Anyhow, Mia and I did it together one afternoon. Ali must have been at a friend's home as I remember she wasn't there and we wanted to surprise her with it. Plus, sometimes these tasks are much easier without Ali. Mia is sort of a neat person and gets frustrated with Ali when she does things like puts 4 ornaments on the same branch (she did this with T's tree).

The above photo is without a flash

The girls tree is covered with girlie colors and ornaments. Lots of sparkles, purple and white feathers, glittery strands and purple lights. They go to bed every night with it (and nothing else) on and it looks beautiful. Curt or I always sneak up after they are asleep to turn it off as x-mas lights scare us.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Great Video, Animation and Song

I really like this song by George Michael. Tonight Terence and I found ourselves memorized by the animated video. We hope you enjoy it as well. It's a nice Christmas song.

First Snow in Budapest

The kids were so excited about today's snow fall. We had snow flurries on Monday but it didn't stick much. Actually, it was only snowing up by our house and not in the city.
Today was a real snowy day. It was just beautiful and the kids were eager to get their sleds out and play in the backyard. It was Mia and Terence's idea to get the Santa and reindeer hats on. I had to get a picture as they all looked so adorable.

Ali was too cold but T and Mia didn't hesitate to get down and make snow angels.
Obviously, Mia is feeling much better after her strep diagnoses yesterday! She's on antibiotics and is feeling significantly better. She only stayed out for about 30 mins, then she came in and warmed up by the fire.

Here are a few videos of the fun in full swing.

She's Got Rhythm

These photos are from quite some time ago (August) while we were in Maryland visiting my great friend, Laura, and her 2 kids, Jake and Olivia. I took T, Mia and Ali and spent the night and we had so much fun. Upon arrival she served this amazing cocktail (alcohol free for the kids) with fresh raspberries. Amazing. Then, she served us an incredible meal. She's always been an amazing hostess / chef that makes everyone feel at home and leave hoping for a return invitation very, very soon!
While there, Ali discovered Jake's drum set. She loved them and I must say, for a 3 year old, she was great!

Below is a photo of Jake and Olivia sitting with Ali and Mia.

Love this rocker girl pose!

And, with her rocker girl sister!
And, video (first one is of Ali and the second is of Mia). Sorry it's so dark! Mike, I hope you can view it okay as they are so cute banging on those drums!

When we returned to Budapest at the end of August, Ali discovered this hand-me-down t-shirt from Mia. She wore it every chance she got. If you can't see, it has a stage of instruments with the drums right in the middle...

Friday, December 11, 2009

More Tree Decorating

The photos are absolutely endless. Unfortunately we've been so busy and I haven't had a lot of time to upload the photos or update our blog. In the last month Curt has been to China and Geneva and will return again to Geneva this week. I've hosted a number of dinners, parties, cocktails and am now finished! Other than Christmas and our upcoming Austrian ski holiday, we are going to try and chill out a bit. This week I do have 2 more Christmas get togethers and on Monday, Dec 21st is our last one. Then, we are home, home, home for a week.

Today I returned home from work at 6:30pm to find Mia with a fever of 104.4 degrees F (40.2 degrees C). She is now fast asleep next to me. Tis the season I guess. So far Ali and Terence are okay. Terence is amazingly always (knock on wood) healthy! He never, ever gets sick... Ali has had the chicken pox and also an on and off again runny nose but overall she's been pretty good and only missed a few days of school since the beginning of the school year.

The kids are busy with their own Christmas parties and events. Today Terence had a 3 hour party with his tennis club. They did a gift exchange, played games, had a disco and ate endless amounts of cake and sweets. Tomorrow Ali has a Christmas party from 4pm with her old nursery school. She'll actually sing and perform with them ;-) Then on Thursday she'll have a French school Christmas performance. Mia has a party with friends on Wednesday... Friday will be their last day of school for the term. That means grades are coming home this week!! I cannot wait to see them. I've met with both Mia and Terence's teachers last week so we'll see. We definitely don't have an overachieving geniuses in our home but I think they'll be fine schoolwise.

Okay on to more photos of the tree trimming party... These are snaps of the actual tree trimming activity!

Due to the challenging height of this massive pine tree, the guys had to pass the lights from our second level down with hockey sticks and pool sticks... I even got a short video clip.

Once the lights were up, everyone else could join in with the hanging of our ornaments. Only a few got broken in the process... Only one that was sentimental from a trip to Brussels a few years back. I have a few friends living there so maybe one can pop into the amazing Christmas store in downtown Brussels and find a replacement.

Every one pitched in! The kids really enjoyed the tree trimming part this year...

Everyone was in charge of a different set or box of ornaments. It was a huge group effort!

We had to bring in the ladder to reach the middle of the tree!

Thanks to Kasia, we enjoyed some sparklers after the tree was all decorated. All age categories loved them!