As I mentioned in an earlier post, they all have their favorite books. Dr Seuss is still a family favorite. Recently T and I have been reading the first book of the Harry Potter serious and he loves it! Fortunately I have read them so know the characters, funny words, premise, etc. so I can explain it to him if he has trouble following. Curt, on the otherhand, once read one chapter when I was away and T now requests that if he's doing bedtime reading that they read something else.
And, most recently..... T has been reading at bedtime and the girls enjoy it. He reads in French which Mia loves and understands (obviously) and Ali finds entertaining. He first started doing this over New Year's when we were in Austria skiing. He even read to Nana, Papa and Aunt Lisa one of his French books. The coolest thing is that he insists on translating it into English for me... Now, that is really cool!
Last night he wanted to share his library book with all of us at bedtime. Every Tuesday is library day for him and he returns his previous week's books and takes out 2 more. If there is a book he really enjoys he sometimes keeps it longer. FYI - Mia's library day is on Mondays. She's only starting to learn to read but in grand section it's more of an emphasis on letters and sounds and letter combinations. This is to prepare her for C.P. (1st grade) where the going gets tough! Next year for Mia it's not only reading time but writing time. And, in the French school it is writing in script / cursive only!