Thursday, April 2, 2009

Owl in our Tree

On Wednesday evening Curt was home earlier than usual and got to hang out on the trampoline with the kids before bedtime. Suddenly I heard them all saying "Look!" and "Is that an owl?" and "It's huge!" Then Mia discovered her talent for talking to owls or hooing at them as the one that we saw (we think the mother) replied every time.

Last night the owl returned, however, the kids were pretty sure that it was a smaller owl. Therefore, they assumed that it was the baby. You can see from the video that there are 2 nests in the tree. The kids guessed that the big nest was for the mommy and daddy and the little one belongs to the baby (or babies). He stayed near the nest and replied to the kids' hoos. It was very funny watching them. This video below is from yesterday at about 7:40pm. It's so nice having longer days! It's still rather dark but think it's still viewable.

PS It's great having longer days but much harder to get the kids to bed at a reasonable hour. Who wants to start getting ready for bed when it's not yet dark outside?

PPS Curt is traveling this week. He's in Macedonia for an internal conference. Wish I had went but was too hard to juggle. He's home Saturday evening.