Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Great Easter Weekend

Last Saturday was a fab day for us as a family. Since it was Easter weekend the kids had no activities (no soccer for T and no dance for Mia). We woke and had a lazy morning with home made cinnamon rolls which the kids loved and remembered from Nana, Papa and Aunt Lisa's visit during Christmas...

After we went downtown to pick up our lamb legs for Easter dinner from a great Turkish butcher who I think has the best beef and lamb in town. From there we went for a drink and light lunch at one of our favorite cafes at Szabadsag ter. All the kids got yummy milk shakes. Love the girls' similar faces in this photo below...

At 3:30pm we attended the live Mamma Mia production at the Laszlo Papp sportarena. We kept it a surprise from the kids and they were so anxious to find out what it was that we were doing. We entered the arena and they missed all the Mamma Mia signs, t-shirt stands, etc. There weren't many but still it amazed me that they missed all the clues. I think their eyes were just taking in all the people and the huge space... We sat in our fantastic seats and the announcer came on in English welcoming us to the Mamma Mia production (it was a UK group that came to Budapest so it was completely in English). Terence sort of let out a whimper as he's grown very sick of the Mamma Mia movie which has been playing in our home about 3-5 times per week since X-mas. Actually it's probably faded to about 3 - 5 times per month but around X-mas time (the DVD was a present from Santa) the girls were watching it every day!!

The girls were in disbelief. The show was really good. Not the best but very good. Curt and I were spoiled and saw a fantastic production of Mamma Mia in London when I was pregnant with Terence about 8 1/2 years ago and it was incredible! I have a feeling the traveling group isn't as fantastic as the real deal... But, the kids loved it. T even enjoyed it though he was pretending not to. The last 3 ABBA songs the entire audience stood, danced and sang along which the girls LOVED!

We were home by about 7pm and had a nice quiet Saturday evening in preparation for the Easter bunny's visit followed by a housefill of guests (we entertained 8 adults and about 11 kids) in the beautiful sunshine!