Sunday, May 31, 2009

Out of Touch

Sorry we've been so out of touch lately. I have not been in blog mode...

Life has been busy. Mia is getting ready for her big dance performance on June 7th. She'll be on stage and it'll be a fun day that she's been preparing hard for it. We are really looking forward to it!

On June 6th, Terence has a big football (aka soccer) tournament. He plays for the French league and will be playing the Brits, the Americans and the German in an all day tournament up at the American International School of Budapest. We'll be there cheering him on!

At the same time, I'm filling out the thousands of pages (or so it seems) of school registration documents to get all 3 signed up for 2009 / 2010. That's right - all 3! Even Ali will go to the French school next year.

Must run now. We have a three day weekend in Budapest and are going to meet some friends for Sunday brunch in 30 minutes.

Love to you all... More photos and details coming soon. I promise.