Monday, June 1, 2009

T's First Big Mac

Terence is now 8 years old (as of 2 months ago) and he is starting to have a teenager's appetite. He can really eat! Some days I feel like he's going to eat us out of the home. There are definitely certain foods he won't eat like chocolate and green beans but he does now try just about everything and he's discovering that he is liking more and more foods every day. He still absolutely loves fish and sushi. He's discovered his love for prawns and yesterday had some really spicy ones at a restaurant which he never would have even tried about 8 months ago.

Lately, he's been begging us to let him try a Big Mac. We honestly didn't think he'd manage to eat the entire thing so I've been putting it off. Finally, last week I got him one. We didn't have time to eat in the McDonald's so we brought it home. I told him to keep it in the box as it was messy. When we got home he quickly unwrapped it and dug in. He loved it and thought it wasn't big at all. His exact words were, "Mom, this is only about 5 cm. It's not big at all!" He ate the entire thing in about 10 mins! I got this snap to prove it.