Saturday, May 23, 2009

Wednesday Night out with Girls

On Wednesday night a group of us went out to celebrate our 2 friends' birthdays: Deana and Fiona (they are the first 2 on the right). We went to B.O.B. which stands for Bacardi Original Bar. It's right on the St Istvan Basilica square - where our 3 kids were christened - and it's a beautiful setting with pretty decent food but mediocre service. I think it's the location that makes the place great.

This was the view from my seat

Above left is Sam and Henrietta and above right are the 2 birthday girls

Me in the center with Kim and Jenny. Notice my new necklace that Curt got me in China. I love it! It's jade and amber and very cool and Chinese! I'm sure it means good luck - this is a joke as the Chinese think everything means good luck. Once Curt asked a group of Chinese while we were in Beijing, "So, what means bad luck?" They had no idea what he was talking about. As if something would mean 'bad luck'...