Saturday, June 20, 2009

Two Fun Videos

Just a glimpse at some fun to come. Terence and Mia were in the same end of year French school olympics day. They do it every year yet this was Mia's first year as they never offered it to the younger grades. This was T's 3rd year at Olympics.

They had three grades together so Mia was the youngest group and T was the oldest group. They mixed the teams (I think there were about 8 total) with kids from all three classes so they were somewhat even. I absolutely loved the tug-of-war competition. It's always been one of my favorite activities to watch or participate in... I just loved watching them and can watch these videos of them over and over again. I'm posting these first and will post the rest of the fantastic photos and videos sometime in the very near future (this is the 'fun to come' part).

The first one is Mia's group who gave it a great effort but ended up losing after a tough struggle. She's in the blue jumper in the middle.

Here is T's group. He was in the front and you can tell he tried really hard. You can hear all the parents cheering them on and shouting 'Allez' in French. This means 'Go!' or 'let's go'. The French women that I play tennis with usually say 'allez' when we are starting a new game to pump themselves up...

The great thing was that several moms came up to me to compliment me on T's strength, coordination and athleticism. For those of you that know him know that he's never been a really strong or coordinated athlete despite having two athletic parents. However, I'm starting to see him slowly improving and developing. This makes me very happy...

His hands were burning after that long tug!