Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sisterly Love

I don't have any sisters. I've always wondered what it would be like and always wished I had a sister. What's great is that I have 2 daughters so they have that unique bond that I've always wondered about. Don't get me wrong, they do have their tiffs once in a while. Sometimes they even hit each other. However 90% of the time, they adore each other. I used to think Mia was the nurturing one but I really think it works both ways.

Here are a few recent pictures of my two favorite girls in the entire world!

The first set are from Saturday - the weather has finally gotten spring-like and warmer!! Ali picked out her outfit with lots of color.

The other morning when Curt went up to wake up the girls for school (at about 7am), this is how he found them sleeping!!!

They share the same room and sometimes if Ali doesn't sleep well or has a bad dream, she'll crawl into bed with Mia. This took the pie!

This is Ali's beautiful face when she just wakes up.