Monday, March 22, 2010

Weekend Update

We had such a fantastic weekend! The weather has finally broken and spring has sprung. What a relief. I know many of you are still up to your eyeballs with winter weather but for Hungary, this was a very, very long winter.

Our weekend was packed with fun. Friday was family movie night. Saturday morning was football for T and dance for Mia. Then, we had to buy a new bed for all our guests arriving. Our former guest room bed was given away so now we had to get a new one as our guest room is quite full over the next few months. We accomplished this pretty quickly then went to get Mia, Charlie (T's buddy) and Molly (Ali's BFF) from their home. Mia had went over to their home after dance so that we only had 2 kids while shopping for home furnishings.

The weather was fantastic and the kids all played outdoors. Mia and I went on a long walk (she rode her scooter) with the dogs. She went later on a bike ride with Curt. Then, she played football (sorry, soccer to the Americans) in the backyard with Curt. Both she and T picked out new soccer balls on Wednesday. She is sooo into it and begs Curt regularly to kick with her!

One of the cool things about them picking out their new soccer balls was there were several European countries (printed on the balls) to choose from. They both picked Italia because of Papa! I told them I was partially British but Italia won! We had to write their names on their balls as they both had to have the same one. Mia's even taken hers to school to play with on the playground. This was me as a child. A complete sport nut! I always had one or more of the following with me in my neighborhood as a child: skateboard, bike, tennis racket, football or baseball mitt. The difference with Mia is she too is a sports nut but still has to dress very girlie. It's quite a combination! Check her out on Sunday playing.

On Saturday, we had a full house. I loved watching crazy Ali with crazy Molly. I guess with crazy moms like me and Kim, what else would you expect? They were absolutely hilarious and kept themselves entertained all day!

Check out how goofy they behaved on the trampoline on Saturday!

no idea what they both were doing in this funny photo above

They stripped down to their underpants, had a picnic (crackers, tomatoes and grapes), jumped around, then they put their underpants on their heads (no photo of this), swamped outfits and came inside announcing their newly swapped identities.

They are 2 peas in a pod! Love them!

Additionally, our troops stayed up until midnight on Saturday as we went over to our friends' home for a delicious dinner. It was a great night with a fantastic Norwegian family with 3 children (ages 11, 9 and 6). The kids all clicked (first time for them all to meet as we've only socialized with the parents) so well! The dinner consisted of freshly flown in Norwegian salmon that was grilled on the bbq to perfection!

Sunday lunch was great as we went downtown to TGs for Italian food. We met up with some great friends of ours who we hadn't seen in almost 3 months (they also travel a lot for work). Then, we hit the Szabadsag ter playground that our kids enjoy so much. We sent a few mothers home clenching their hearts after seeing our kids without socks, hats, jackets, etc. It was almost 20 degrees C here yesterday yet their children were all bundled up as if they were expecting a cold frost to rush in!

Have a great weekend everyone.