Monday, April 5, 2010

More Visitors

This must be the month for visitors. Last weekend we had our friends Eric and Lesley with their 2 daughters spend 3 nights with us while traveling around Europe. Eric and Lesley used to live in Budapest (then Belgrade) but returned to the US about 4 or 5 years ago. It was great having them spend a long weekend with us. Their 2 daughters (ages 8 and 6) got along with our trio so perfectly. We're not really sure if they all remember each other at all. The last time we all got together was about 1 1/2 years ago. This was really rare as within about 10 mins of them arriving - last Friday night - their daughters completely hit it off with ALL three of our kids. I was worried that maybe Terence or Ali would feel left out but the 5 of them played fantastically all weekend long! As always, they were great guests to have.

Below are some photos of our outdoor lunch up at Normafa Cafe and Grill last weekend. Austin is with us as he arrived earlier that day. It was a delicious lunch and the kids enjoyed playing hide and seek in their large outdoor play area.

PS Notice Ali on Austin's lap... This was only day 1... (fyi - she's a bit shy). They developed a strong, quick bond. She misses him so much!

Mia had a cat face painted from her dance class earlier that day. Their class dressed in full costume and make-up with a photographer there taking snaps for the moms and dads to purchase closer to the recital time (early June).

Wearing Daddy's shades as it was very sunny...