Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Quick Update

First of all, I overhead Ali asking her daddy several questions earlier this morning. One of which started with, "Dada, when you were Papa's age...." I didn't even listen to the rest as I thought it was so funny. She seemed to even catch herself and then start over with "Dada, when you were a baby... " This one ended with ".... did you go to school?" She comes up with the funniest things.

A few more Ali-isms as she cracks us all up and also amazes us sometimes. Like, the other day, she was looking through one of my design magazines and found a bathroom / home that she seemed to find very attractive. She asked me if we could buy it and I told her that you can't buy a bathroom, per se, but you could buy a home with a bathroom similar or design a bathroom the way you want. She then asked me if we could get a new house with a bathroom like the one in the mag. I was really busy so I just replied with a vague 'maybe'. She then said, "Ma, (this is how she often addresses me) maybe we can find a home with this bathroom and rent it or, if we have enough money, we can buy it" I was surprised my 4 year old knew the difference between rent and buy...

The other cute things that come out of her mouth are 'eleventeen' and instead of kitchen, she pronounces it 'chitchen'... love it!

So, I've been really neglectful to our blog lately. Part of the reason is life, work, travel and guests. We've had sooo many guests. Right now we have Colleen, who was pictured with my nephew below, Dani and Lucy. Dani is my brother's godfather's niece. Does that make sense? She's Australian and her and her Aussie friend, Lucy are traveling around Europe for about 6 months. You gotta love the Aussies and their love and desire for travel. They are both university graduates (one in accounting and one in law) and are really gracious, fun guests. Lucy even helped Mia with her French homework this morning!

Last week, I went to Cyprus with my two wonderful friends, Kim and Nicky. We escaped for 3 nights and had a fantastic 3 days of giggling, catching up and sun lounging. It was a belated birthday present which I adored every minute of...

The kids are all doing well and enjoying all the attention from our numerous visitors. The weather hasn't been too warm but like they say, 'april showers bring may flowers'.

Photos will be coming soon.