Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ali Swimming Video

I've just plugged in T's camera's memory stick into my laptop. There are 171 photos and even a few videos. I love looking through them to see life through his perspective. I will try and sort through and post over the next day or 2. In the meantime, I had to post a video that he took of Ali swimming. Unfortunately Curt only made it to the pool one day of the 2 weeks we were there due to his work schedule. The kids were so excited. I was happy to have a break as I had given tons of 'dolphin rides' to each of them. Even Ali let's me take her all the way down to the bottom of the deep end. She can hold her breath for an amazingly long time! We had a system that she pinched my shoulder if she was running low on air and I would quickly go back to the top. The deep end was only about 2 1/2 or 3 meters deep.

While in Dubai earlier this month, Ali's endurance for swimming really improved. She's always been a great swimmer and stopped wearing arm bands about a year ago but I still like her with either a noodle or some sort of flotation device (the small inner tubes are great) nearby. Her biggest achievement this time was swimming all the way across the width of the pool. The width was probably about 4 - 4 1/2 meters. The hardest thing for her was coming up for air. She's a great swimmer but she only just now how to incorporate her stroke with breathing breaks. Curt kept the noodle nearby for her to grab during breaths.

And, keep in mind that Terence did the filming.