Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ali's Olympic Day at School

Every year at the end of the year at French school, they have a special Olympic day for the kids. They are grouped together by classes. So, this year I have 3 Tuesdays where I have to attend as all 3 kids are in different groups. Today, Ali's class, the Petite Section was with the Moyenne Section for their Olympic games. It's such a fun, yet chaotic, morning that the kids really get into... Here are some snaps of our little Ali....

'Number 1' and waiting for the relay race baton

Below she is doing a shot put underhand toss and kicking a ball into a goal.

Below: all the kids liked the trampoline jump. On the below right she is with her little BFF, Molly, and their good friend, Tyler.

Here she is in ACTION

And 2 videos: