Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ali's Newest Things

I wanted to take a few minutes to put down into words some of Ali's latest developments. First of all it is amazing to me that at 20 months of age she is already so nurturing. She has dollies (actually they are Mia's but Mia is not at all possessive) thay she likes to take care of. She covers them with blankets and feeds them. It goes a step further as I have noticed this last week since I've developed a cough. Every time I cough she pats my back. It is so funny and I will try to get it on video as it is so sweet. She also comforts Terence or Mia if they hurt themselves of if Mia is crying about something. She goes up and strokes their back trying to make them feel better. Terence who is rarely a huggy, kissy kid always puts up with Ali's kisses as she wants to pass out kisses often.

Her works are rather Hunglish - a mixture of Hungarian and English. She loves saying 'nem, nem, nem' which means 'no, no, no' in English. She calls Mickey a little made up word that is her version of Mickey. It sounds like 'Tsitsi'. She says 'Boo' for Blue which is pretty close. And often commands Blue to get the ball which sounds something like 'Boo! Bah!' Words that begin with 'B' seem to be easier for her as she also calls Terence the same nickname as Erika, our nanny, calls him, 'Boo-Boo'. It's confusing with when she actually is hurt as she also calls that a 'booboo' but the 'o' sound is a better different than when she calls for Terence. Other 'B' words are 'bahbah' for her bottle and 'baba' for her baby doll.

She's not really interested in making animal sounds other than fish. She looks at us like we have 3 heads when we go through the animal sounds.

She just crawled up on my lap so typing has become a huge challenge so I will finish this later.