Sunday, September 16, 2007

Family Day on Sunday

Everyone slept in a bit this morning. However, we all woke up starving and felt like a big breakfast. Curt suggested our favorite breakfast place - the Four Seasons. The kids love it because it is the only place in town you can get waffles, pancakes, and all the other traditional breakfast items. We really need an IHOP or something here!

After our huge breakfast of extra crispy bacon, fresh berries, fresh squeezed OJ, waffles, soft boiled eggs, bagels, English muffins and smoked salmon we decided to go for a long walk. First I have to mention that Terence decided to try soft boiled eggs today at breakfast time. Twice this week he has tried new foods that he turned out to really enjoy. Earlier in the week he finally tried a cheeseburger which he always insisted he didn't like. Sure enough, he tries it and gobbles it all down. Today he discovered he loves soft boiled eggs and most enjoyed dipping waffle pieces and bacon into it. He remembered Daisy and George's dad's method of chopping off the top of the egg. He copied Matt's egg approach perfectly. (Tracy if you are reading this notice the hat T is wearing. It's one that George left at our home and T loves it. He calls it George's hat and it is always the first one he grabs.)

We decided to walk over to one of our favorite Pest parks at Szabadsag ter near the US Embassy. Curt chose to drive the car over with Ali as he knew the kids would all be too tired to walk back to get our car. During my walk with Terence and Mia we came across a street festival near St Istvan Bazilika where they were invited to sit down and paint at one of the tables. Terence drew an alien with 3 heads, 4 arms and 4 legs and Mia drew a colorful abstract painting.