Wednesday, October 3, 2007

French School Activity

Every year the French school classes PreK - grade 12 gather in the field across from the school for the Enduro (it means 'race' in English). It's a race that is organized by the grade 12 kids in celebration of their last year - or at least this is what I've gathered with my minimal knowledge of French and the happenings at school! Terence was in the first group to run around the track to American music blasting from the speakers. I remember last year that puzzled Terence and he asked me why they were listening to music in English ;-) Terence was a very serious runner and was huffing and puffing as he had to run for about 5 - 10 minutes (at least 5 times around the track). Parents and teachers were all encouraged to run with the kids. Each class had voted on their clothing color and Terence was excited that blue or 'bleu' won. Mia's class was green or 'vert'.

Terence during his portion of the race and then afterwards.

Mia's teacher Claudia. On the right she is getting the kids warmed up and excited for the race. She was doing 'Go Green Team' cheers in French.

Mia was excited to have her brother and sister's support and company. Poor Ali woke up with a fever today of 101.7 degrees F so she was a bit tired and clingy. This was the only time all morning I put her down. She clung to me all day.

Liam (left) and Riley (right) McGann after their races.

Terence getting ready to walk back across the street to school with his class. His teacher, Celine, is on the left of the group. Mia is on the right with the green balloon walking back with her class. You can see the French school in the distance.