Monday, March 31, 2008

No New Photos or Big Updates

Sorry that I haven't added anything since Saturday early am but we've been going a 100 mph. T's birthday celebration was great fun. Sunday was also loads of fun as we had breakfast with friends (I used a Barefoot Cantessa recipe for some delicious homemade blueberry muffins that were a huge hit in our home), a trip out to the AISB's (American International School of Budapest) spring food festival then a bbq at Jay and Asta's flat on Sziv utca in downtown Budapest. We had fun, fun, fun ... till my daddy took my t-bird away... Isn't that how the song goes?

Anyhow, I made it into the office today and had lots of stuff to catch up on. Rushed to school by 4pm. Took T and Mia (with Ali) to swimming lessons from 4:15 - 5:15pm. We then had a walk around to see the horses in the stables nearby. Came home to find friends who came around to surprise T with a b-day gift. Dinner was salmon fillets, asparagus, baked beans and brown rice. Then, homework, brush teeth, pajamas and bed. Kids got to skip bath / shower tonight as they got one after swimming. Curt is still up reading books to them and I'm too tired to load any photos.

I will post some pictures and possibly a video from T's birthday probably tomorrow. I promise.
