Friday, March 28, 2008

Terence Turns 7

It was 7 years ago on March 29th at 5:10pm our first child was born at Telki Hospital outside of the beautiful capital city of Budapest, Hungary. I told Terence the story about this afternoon last night at bedtime and he giggled through it all. He loves listening to the story how he stormed into this world faster than anyone anticipated. He loved hearing about how Nana was there the whole time and how daddy had to stop at every bus stop while I had a contraction. I tried to explain a contraction but that wasn't so easy but somehow he still seemed to understand. He loved how I had to rush Nana out of the store earlier in the afternoon when I felt he was ready to be born. Then, I had to drive to our office where daddy was waiting. His face looking happy, worried, disorientated, yet confident all at the same time. What a night we will never forget. Thank you Curt and Pat for being there through it to hold my hand (and legs)! Thank you Pat for being strong. After Curt started losing consciousness I needed the support ;-) Thank you to Dr. Margaret, who has become our very dear friend, for delivering this incredible human being. I still remember how calm and cool you were and how comfortable you made me feel. And how funny you were, when you first saw Terence's face, commenting on how he has Curt's lips.

Happy Birthday to our Terence Reed Clements!

Enjoy the videos below from last night.