Thursday, June 26, 2008

Staying in Bed Challenges

About 2 weeks ago, Ali started fighting going to bed. Maybe fighting is too strong of a word. Really, she just pushed the boundaries by sneaking out of her room after we had kissed her good-night and tucked her in. I think a lot of it's been because of how light it is so late at night. Also, she's just at that age. At first she'd just come downstairs to wherever Curt or I were. When she realized it resulted in a quick return to her bedroom, she started just exploring other areas. We'd find her playing outside of her room or sometimes just in her room. I would always pick her up and put her back into bed. Sometimes I'd be faced with tears and even a few tantrums.

Two nights ago, I put her in bed with 3 of her baby dolls. I explained to her that she had to take care of them and make sure they stayed in bed and didn't cry. She did her usual 'Yo Mama' and turned to comfort and talk to her babies. I realized this little game worked as she never came out of her room. When I went up to check on her about 45 minutes later, I found her in bed not just with the 3 dolls I put with her but every doll and stuffed animal that she had in her room. They were all around her head lined up on her pillows. It was so cute to see her in the middle (sort of like ET in the closet) amongst them. I had to run and grab the photo for a few snaps. Check them out.