Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Kids' Birthday Parties are Exhausting

I totally get the rule that mothers set for their kids that they can have as many friends for their birthday party as they are old (ie a 6th birthday party would consist of 6 friends + the birthday girl / boy). However, when you are Mia it is ALL or nothing! She gets invited to everyone's birthday party. I mean everyone's - even kids she barely knows. So when her birthday started nearing this year I first thought, why didn't we plan better and have summer babies (for an easy garden party). When I came back to reality and realized that wasn't going to happen, I then started to think how and where can I have a fun party for her without too much clean up duty. It was definitely not happening in our house. For those of you that know us, you know I can throw a big party with a ton of kids but that has to involve at least one parent staying to help ... or, shout when their kids get out of line... So, ice skating seemed to be a great January birthday party venue.

As I'm not a great skater and didn't want to be on the ice holding 24 5 and 6 year old's hands, I had to first find instructors / helpers. So, we hired 4 wonderful ice skate instructors who were great with the kids. Most of the kids were on the ice for their first time so it was very, very funny. They were falling all over the place but each fall ended with laughter and no tears!

The party was the best ever and all the kids had so much fun - especially Mia so that means success!

Curt and I are both exhausted! He took the day off work to help me with the party. I was so thankful as it would have been tough without him. Birthday party planning, coordinating and then monitoring on the day is a tough, tough job! Of course, it would have been much easier with just 6 friends but if you're going to do a party you might as well do a PARTY!

Oh, and by the way, Mia's bday party was held on a Wed as the French Lycee has no school on Wednesdays making it the perfect day for birthday parties! Anyhow, I'll fill you in on more about the party (including more snaps) later. Right now I need to rest my brain with some TV.

I'll leave you with this group shot of Mia and almost all her party guests on the ice. She's the super tall one in the back row with the brown hat.