Thursday, March 26, 2009

Crazy Clouds of Budapest

Many of you that either live here, have recently visited or keep in touch with a resident of Hungary knows that the weather has been unusual and unpredictable here over the last month or so. This morning we even woke up to snow which was really not something we were prepared for. I had even put away the snow boots and winter coats. Last week, after I picked up Curt from his Poland / Czech Republic trip, we crossed the bridge from Pest to Buda with this amazing sky. For those of you that spend time with me know that I am hugely into nature. I love trees, flowers, sunsets, clouds... anything to do with nature. Curt sometimes thinks I've been smoking whacky tobacky as I can ohhh and ahhh over clouds for much longer than the average person. Anyhow, here are some recent ohhhs and ahhhs that I recently experienced.

Above - from the Erzsebet bridge.

All of these shots were taken from our moving car.

The below was taken in mid-Feb from our home.