Monday, July 13, 2009

Wichita Visit

On our first night (Saturday) in Wichita, we went over to Curt's Uncle Tim and Aunt Katrina's beautiful new home for a bbq. They live on this lake that is filled with ducks so the kids immediately gravitated over. Katrina already had bags of bread for the kids to feed the ducks. It was a perfect evening with great food and company. The party consisted of our five, Curt's parents, his sisters Paula and Sheila, Aunt Katrina and Uncle Tim (hosts), cousin JJ, Uncle Jerry and Aunt Romayne and Katrina's brother, Ray, who was visiting from Texas.

the view of the lake from one of their back terraces.

Mia and Ali feeding the ducks with Aunt Paula

Katrina and JJ handing down more bread for the ducks (above left) and Tim cooking up some delicious kebabs (above right).

Curt, Tim, Jerry and JJ (above left) hanging by the bbq. Pat, Paula, Harry (Curt's parents and sister) inside waiting on the dinner.