Monday, February 1, 2010


Terence, who will be 9 years old on March 29th, is really into reading. I love that he enjoys it as much as I do and always have. When I was a child, I was always under my blankets in bed with a flashlight and a book. He's becoming similar.

His favorite series of books at the moment is the Horrid Henry collection. From what I understand, Henry is a bit of a menace with a wild imagination and always out on an adventure. Terence loves that each character in the stories has an adjective describing their personality. The adjective matches their name's first letter. For example, 'Perfect Peter' and 'Moody Margaret'.

He gets so absorbed in these books and even laughs out loud which I find so funny. While Curt is in Dubai this week, he and I have been staying up a little later reading every evening. Every so often he has to stop and discuss with me what he is reading. One of his comments last night was especially amusing.

His description of the chapter he was reading was about Horrid Henry's plan to punish parents who made their kids do good things like eat their vegetables, go to bed early, brush their teeth, go to school, etc. Horrid Henry's plan was to put a magic spell on the parents of the world and whenever they made their kids follow the rules they would be catapulted into a piranha filled lake. Terence laughed at Horrid Henry's plan and told me, "Mom, he's not very smart. He must not know that piranhas only eat dead things. They are predators not hunters." I was speechless. I knew he watched a show recently about this topic but found it amazing that he retained the information and then found an appropriate time to pass it on. All I said was, "Really?" He's always teaching me something!

The other great Terence-ism recently was when me and the kids got onto the topic of being able to live forever. We were sort of debating on whether it would be good or bad to live forever. Mia was saying that she wanted daddy to live forever (not sure why but this is what she said). T replied, "Come on..." this is often how he starts a debate. "Come on! Why would anyone want to live forever and see everyone around them that they know and love die?" I stayed silent and just listened to them hash it out. Mia then said, "Well, why hasn't Papa invented a way for people to live forever?" For those of you that don't know, our kids think their Papa (Curt's dad) is a genious who not only is a scientist / engineer but also has superpowers...

Terence replied to Mia's question with, "Papa can't just change someone's DNA" He made a few other comments on this topic that went way over my head. He left both Mia and I at a loss of words. Eventually, Mia and I both agreed with him that having the ability to live forever would not be so fantastic.