Friday, April 23, 2010

Easter BBQ

I never got around to posting photos from our Easter BBQ fun. We had a great day. The house was filled with friends, laughter, kids and, in typical Clements' fashion, lots and lots of food! I took photos and shared some with one of our guests, Diane. She did such a great job of posting them all on her own blog that I'm going to take the easy route and just send you her link. Click here to view the photos from our Easter fun. Click here for a few more snaps.

And just a few extras:
Peter and Curt always have lots of laughs while on bbq duty. I must have about 20 photos of them standing side-by-side at the grill (like the one above).

The proved themselves well!

3 legs of lamb ready to be carved up. They were delish! Some leftovers and a leg bone for each of our 3 dogs. Everyone ended the day full.

My chalkboard door is how I stay organized while entertaining. I can make notes on both sides.

Whenever we have lots of kids, I always bake cupcakes! They are adored by all kids and so easy to eat on the run for kids like ours that cannot sit still. No idea why Ali and Molly are in their pjs but they always do funny things...

Some sweet couple shots...