Friday, October 19, 2007

Heidi Ovoda / Nursery

The nursery school that Ali goes to has a bus (actually a van but they call it the bus) that picks her up and brings her home when I cannot make it. Since this is the school that Terence and Mia went to occasionally Mia goes along with Ali when she has no French school. The nursery goes to age 7 as Hungarians start school later so Mia has lots of friends and peers to play with when she joins Ali. The school teaches in Hungarian and a little German.

There are about 6 - 8 kids that ride on the bus with Ali including the twins 2 houses away from us. Here is Ali and Mia coming home.

This is Marcsi (school owner and bus driver) dropping off the twins first.

Here's a short video clip of them driving up to our home while the dogs and I wait for them. Terence was inside playing.

Ali in her car seat. She always loves to take her shoes off (and often her socks off too).

Ali's such a big girl. Letting Kiraly in with her and closing the door all by herself. It's usually a slam.