Saturday, November 10, 2007

Many New Posts

Enjoy. I have posted many new entries over the last 2 days. I'm catching up and still have a few more that I want to add but there's not enough time in the day. Curt and I are now a day behind as we were both down with a stomach bug yesterday. He was in really bad shape and spent the morning on the floor next to the toilet. I couldn't believe he actually took a day off work which he hasn't done in... probably forever! This is how I knew he was in bad shape. He slept for probably 36 hours! I think his body just collapsed after a month of going 100 mph. We had 3 conferences in a row in October and a conference consists of meetings from early in the morning to the early evening followed by dinner and an evening out. Then, we returned to a weekend in Slovakia and a new potential partner in town for 3 days (so more nights out after work). Add 3 kids and a household of hungry animals and it'll run anyone down! This is why Curt is so strict about riding his bike to and from work every day. Not only is it great physical exercise but it keeps him going mentally everyday. It's the only time of day that he doesn't have his mobile on his ear or his Blackberry going. I, too, have become mad about exercising. Always have been but in the past I've worked out 3 - 4 days per week but now I have to do it everyday. It's better than coffee! It boosts my energy level like 5 espressos. On top of it, I've hit an age in my life that I now work out to live longer not to look good. The latter is a plus. It must be working because in NY when we were near Rockefellar Center a young guy stopped us and opened up his conversation with, 'We are looking for some good looking people to come and sit in the front row of our audience...' Before he could finish, Curt and I bust into laughter. We both looked over our shoulders! He started again with, 'You are really good looking and we'd love for you to come and sit in our front row for tomorrow morning's Today Show'. How flattering is that?!
Anyhow, enjoy my newest blog entries and check back again soon as I'll be updating it again soon. Now, while the kids and Curt are all fed and watching Narnia next to the roaring fire, I'm going to go downstairs and work out (elliptical machine then weights and sit ups). Hope to hear from you all soon.