Saturday, November 10, 2007

Mia's version of school

On Thursday when I picked up Mia from school I noticed there was a medical evaluation test in her little book. She has a book that the teacher's put notes into for the parents (ie about upcoming field trips, school projects, etc). Whenever her book is in her little cubby hole I know it's because there's a note for me to look at. The notes are always in French but sometimes they are accompanied with a Hungarian version. Between the 2 I can usually work it out.

When I opened up her book I found her medical test results which mainly consisted of height (113.5 - she towers over all the kids at school), weight (20.5) and what I guess are things like blood pressure (I've included a copy below). I inquired about the doctor visiting her class today at school and she confirmed that the lady doctor did come and visit them at school today. Then she told me that the lady doctor gave her tummy massage and it tickled. She also said that it was the same lady doctor that was at the hospital where she was born. I asked Mia if the doctor remembered Mia as a baby and Mia said, 'yes, she remembered me when I came out of your tummy and I was a crying little baby'. Very funny. The doctor must also work at Telki and noticed that Mia was born there. Maybe she even recognized Mia's name.

Side note: Mia's shoe size is a 32 European right now; 13 1/2 - 1 US.