Monday, January 21, 2008

Last India Post

This is what Curt ran into and cut his forehead open on. Our room is behind him. Our room was the only one with this big box outside of it.

Being creative. Curt and I in the rickshaw's side mirror.

The above photos are: vegetables sold street side in the Santa Cruz market, kites stuck in the trees during kite fighting week, upstairs storage (Curt loved how they shouted up the style and shoe size and the storage guy threw the boxes down), an 11 year old beautiful girl who had no home and was trying to sell henna tattoos for a little bit of money on Juhu beach.

We liked the Say Cheeze sign. Notice the bamboo scaffolding behind Curt.
And, me in a rickshaw.

McDelivery motorcycles. You can get everything delivered in India.

This is a video from our rickshaw one afternoon.