Sunday, April 20, 2008

Back to School Tomorrow

After 1 1/2 weeks off for ... well, I guess it was a spring break... Terence and Mia are going back to school tomorrow. Terence actually fell asleep watching a movie in our bed at around 7pm. This is so unusual for him but we were at a bbq yesterday and there were 12 kids who spent most of the evening outdoors, playing hide and seek and soccer. Then, his Belgian friend, Arnaud, spent the night. They got to bed a little after 10pm but Arnaud is an early riser and woke T up at about 6:30am! We spent the entire day outdoors as it was a beautiful warm, sunny day. I guess it all caught up to Terence and wiped him out. I'm actually happy about this as I thought I'd have a bit of a difficult time getting him to bed early in preparation for tomorrow.

Mia, on the other hand, actually fell sleep for about an hour earlier today. She fell into a deep sleep on the sofa after she was scolded and put in a time-out for drawing all over a family photo of us. It's a big photo that was up on their bulletin board (along with a collection of other photos, cards, drawings, etc) and included the four of us while I was very pregnant with Ali. Mia decided it would be fun to give daddy hair, mommy a mustache and so on. I was very upset when I found what she had done and told her that it was graffiti (she knows what graffiti is and always points it out when she sees it usually commenting on how terrible it is that someone did graffiti) and disrespectful. She cried and felt horrible. When I was telling Curt on the phone when he called from China later in the afternoon I found myself sort of laughing about the whole thing. Fortunately, I have the photo saved on our computer so I can print out another copy. I'm still shocked she did this.

Since she dozed in the afternoon, she is having trouble falling asleep. Out of the 3 of them, she is the only one that gets out of bed with excuse after excuse: "I have to go pee", "I'm scared", "I can't sleep", etc., etc.

Ali always goes to bed easily. Sometimes she even asks to go to bed before her actual bedtime. It's great but she is a very early riser and is usually awake between 6:30-7am (ouch!)

I must go tuck them all in and make sure Mia is still in bed as it is after 9:30pm and if she doesn't get to sleep soon she will be a huge grouch tomorrow!!