Monday, April 21, 2008

Stormy Night

We're having a storm right now in Budapest. All the kids are fast asleep and fortunately the storm is far enough away that the thunder is not waking anyone up. However, our border collie, Blue, is going nuts. None of our pets like storms. Mickey, our cat, always gets weird (as cats do) and usually wants to go outside during storms. Greta, the oldest of our 3 dogs, is always right next to me anyway but sometimes has to curl up a bit closer usually laying on top of my feet. Kiraly, our 7 year old Bernese Mountain dog, usually hides in the basement or on the landing going down to the basement during storms. Then there is Blue who goes absolutely nuts!

None of our dogs are allowed on the sofas or chairs but Blue was begging, begging, begging - not to get up on the sofa with me but to crawl into my lap. He tried over and over again and just sat with his head in my lap shaking, whining and breathing heavily and quickly. Finally I let him up as he was driving me crazy and I couldn't keep him off of me.

It was like having a small child (that drools a lot) next to me. Fortunately I had the camera still connected to the computer right next to me and I was able to click these photos of our crazy Blue!

The entire time it took me to write this post he's shivered out of control next to me.

However, I'm thrilled that my garden is getting watered and all the plants I planted yesterday (I spent 2 hours digging and planting) are getting a good drink!