Sunday, April 19, 2009

Great Weekend Outdoors

We had a great family weekend. In the past, Curt and I have always been overwhelmed with activities (ie Friday and / or Saturday nights out, bbqs, dinners, etc) but this weekend we had a quiet family weekend which was just what the doctor ordered!

After the kids finished their Saturday morning dance and soccer (and a b-day party for Mia), Curt spent the afternoon with them in the field flying a kite. It was a great day with great wind but the wind direction kept changing making it a bit of a challenge to keep the kite up in the air. Regardless, they all took part and had lots of fun.

Even the dogs joined in on the fun...

Mia's in control

Ali working on blowing up a balloon. Ever since Mia learned, Ali's been trying constantly with no success...

Our Bernese Mountain dogs, Greta and Kiraly, are far less active (and much older) than Blue, our Border Collie (in the first photo).

Not sure what this is but he found it fun.

We also had lots of Dune Buggy fun!! See photos below:

Heading out to the top of the hill across the street for more kite flying fun.