Monday, April 20, 2009

My Baby is Growing Up!

This is Ali just this morning waiting by the door for her nursery school bus to pull up to the front door. What a service! Marcsi, the owner of the school, drives the bus and Ali is the first to get picked up around 8am. Marcsi is always full of energy and so happy when she arrives. She loves Ali and considers her family as Ali often spends the night over at Marcsi's with Marcsi's 22 year old daughter, Brigi. Brigi has been helping me with Ali since Ali was just 2 months old. Brigi has been Ali's teacher at nursery school for 2 straight years and they have both grown very close to each other.

I had to snap this photo this morning when I looked down and didn't see my baby girl anymore. What a big girl!!!

Yet, times like yesterday when I took her out of the bath and put her on my bed to dry off, reminded me that she still has her baby-like moments. She was so tired that she dozed off right away before I could even put on her pajamas...