Monday, April 20, 2009

T's Teeth

Terence is now 8 years old and has about 8 adult teeth that are already grown in (+ his 4 adult back molars) . His top teeth, luckily, are growing in quite nicely. However, his bottom teeth are sort of looking like the mouth of a shark with rows of teeth. He especially has one tooth that is growing inwards as it has no room to go anywhere else. Fortunately, we took action early enough. With the help of a great English speaking dentist, he referred us to his colleague (in the same location), Dr. Dora who is an orthodontist. After viewing his teeth she gave us the solution of an inner wire on his bottom teeth that are attached by fitting around his back 2 adult molars. The wire will then be tightened once every month or so until his teeth fit in properly. This will also help his future adult teeth and hopefully prevent the need for any major braces, but who knows... One step at a time.

For those of you that are absolutely curious about how this went.... well, you are in luck. I took videos!!! The orthodontist speaks perfect English but speaks to T in Hungarian as he speaks Hungarian perfectly so it works out. She then, however, speaks English to me (even though I understand a lot of the Hungarian too).

Showing off his new wire (above) and trying to get used to speaking with the new piece of metal inside his mouth. PS He has his bank card in his hand (he's such a big boy!)