Monday, February 15, 2010

France - Here We Come

Time is flying by so quickly that our February ski break holiday is already upon us. Planned more than 6 months ago (and for those of you that know Curt and I know that we do not tend to plan very far in advance), we are about to jet set off to a new destination that we cannot wait to explore and experience.

Fortunately for us, our kids get 1 1/2 weeks off at the end of February. So, we have decided to take our little French speaking kids to ... FRANCE ... TO ... SKI! After more than 3 years of ski lessons in German (during our Austrian ski trips), they are now going to enjoy being able to fully communicate with their ski school friends and teachers!

We will be flying to Geneva, renting a car and driving to France. Our trip will be for 9 nights and we are all very excited. Thanks to our investor's recommendation, we will enjoy spending a night and having 1 1/2 days in Annecy where we have never been. Recently, Curt and I had a look at this area online and are now very excited to visit. It looks absolutely heavenly. You can check out one of their sites that I have linked to here or view some of the below photos that I have found online below.

The really cool thing is that while we are in Annecy for the weekend, the Venetian Carnival will be in town! The kids celebrate Carnival at their school just 2 days before we depart. To see a real Venetian Carnival in action will be a real treat!

Below is a map of where Lake Annecy is. Apparently it is the half way point between Geneva and Meribel where we'll be spending our week skiing.

Below is Meribel's Three Valley's ski piste. The highest point from which we can ski from is 3266 METERS (10,715 feet)!

To put this into perspective, when we were recently in Austria over the New Year's break, we skied from 1900 meters. When I lived in San Francisco, I frequently went snowboarding up in Lake Tahoe. My favorite resort was Kirkwood and their highest point is about 9,400 feet. Before that I lived in Sun Valley, Idaho and skied daily on Bald Mountain which is just under 9,200 feet.

Meribel is going to be an entirely new skiing adventure for all us!

This video below is of the view of Chaudanne, Meribel's central lift station. It's pretty neat to see what a 5 day period, 24 hours a day looks like through these timelapse images taken by their webcame. See how the snow cannons and piste bashers are hard at work when everyone else is asleep.

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Video produced by Merinet.Com

And, here is the route we will drive from Geneva down to Meribel. You may need to minimize a bit to see the full map including our origin and destination.

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