Sunday, November 23, 2008

Let It Snow

On Saturday, we finally got our first snow fall. It was perfect timing as we'd finished all our daily activities and had returned home around 1:30pm to build a roaring fire, sit and play a family game of Monopoly when suddenly huge flakes started filling up the sky. It felt like a Hallmark moment sitting inside the warm house, all together and watching the snow outside. By about 4pm the kids couldn't resist the temptation. We dug out their winter gear, got them all bundled up and sent them out to play. I honestly think the preparation is more work than the actual outdoor playtime but c'est la vie.

They were so excited and even pulled out the sleds to go down the very small hill in the back of our yard. I captured a few shots of them in the outdoors. Shortly after these snaps, Curt went out and started a snowball fight with them. They all loved it.

The best part is that it snowed through Sunday so everything is beautiful and white up at our house. The slight increased elevation keeps the snow longer up at our home in district 2 then it does down in the Pest downtown. Yesterday we drove into Pest for breakfast and we were one of the few cars covered in snow.

T is such a great big brother and always looks after Ali and keeps her entertained.
Mia led the way by making tracks for him to follow in.

Our fashion diva.

My Hydrangeas. They return every year bigger and better. I'm amazed that their flowers are still in full bloom (now frozen) and with strong colors.