Monday, November 24, 2008

Off to Bratislava Tomorrow Am

Trying my best to do some blog catching up. We've been very busy! Seriously, ridiculously busy! It doesn't seem to be slowing down. Tomorrow Curt and I go up to our Bratislava office for some work, then a cocktail reception where we are guests of honor (Move One were big sponsors of a recent charity event), then dinner with our friends Peter and Sue. We'll spend the night at their home and then return on Wed. I've already started some prep work for our big Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday night. We are having a house full of people and I am doing it 100% alone this year. Bill and Kerry used to always share in the food prep but this year they are back in the USofA. boo hoo. Other than the turkey, I have lots of goodies including a pumpkin and pecan pie to make. Hopefully we won't be home too late on Wed so I can dive into it all! More updates will most likely only happen from Friday on...

To all of my American friends and family: Happy Turkey Day!!! xoxo