Saturday, December 29, 2007

Our New Years Ski Destination

I found a better map to show Lake Bohinj where we are heading to tomorrow. Should be about a 6 hour drive. Thankfully we have a dvd player in the car to keep the kids entertained. We'll be there for 6 days.

Taking a Break

Only back on the 5th of January so no postings until we are back.

Happy New Year! Bring on 2008! I know it will be a great one!

Skiing Tomorrow

Instead of packing, I am procrastinating. Playing Wii with Terence and posting stuff on our blog. Tomorrow we are going skiing at a new resort. We are trying Slovenia in an area called Lake Bohinj. A Slovakian mom at school says it's incredible. Our next door neighbor told me that this is where her kids learned to ski. Seems to get good reviews so should be fun. We are going with another family (also 3 kids) so it should be lots of fun for the adults and the kids.

This first photo is the entire area. The red dot is where we are staying.

A photo of the lake

This is one of the ski resorts (Vogel)

Sleeping Beauty

What is it about a sleeping baby? Ali fell asleep in the car the other day and when I carried her in and laid her on the sofa she remained sleeping. She looks so peaceful. I love it.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Boxing Day Dinner

For our dinner on the 26th we decided to get King Crab Leg's from our friend Rob's restaurant Ocean. Part of his restaurant is a seafood deli where I get all my fish (and we eat a lot of it). From Seabass and Monkfish to Cod and Salmon, we love it all. The kids eat every kind of fish and even Ali has been enjoying Salmon since she was about 7 months old.
Last night was our first King Crab Leg experience in Hungary. They were not fresh but frozen but I was okay with that. We usually eat them at the beach when we are in South Carolina and we all love dipping them in the melted butter. The crab was a big hit last night. Even Ali loved it. Poor Curt had the job of cracking them open for everyone.

This photo of Ali makes me laugh. This is the look she makes whenever I ask her to 'smile' for the camera. It's like she has her mouth and eyes mixed up.

Another Gift from Santa

Here's Terence with his new present from Santa. He got 2 presents from Santa - a Nintendo DS and this cool Hovercraft thingy. He took it out in the snow on Christmas day while we all watched from inside.

Thanks to Sue's suggestion he tried it on the trampoline where it worked really well!

Wii - Thanks to Santa

Someone was good this year! Santa brought Wii for the entire family! He also brought Monopoly but I don't think any of you would be interested in a video of us playing Monopoly! We have, however, played Monopoly just as many times as we have played Wii. Terence is amazing at Monopoly and beat Curt and I (legitimately) twice! Mia's still a little too young and just wants to 'buy' everything. Hopefully this won't be a longterm problem (like mom) and she'll learn to also save up her money and invest wisely.

Back to the subject matter I started with... Wii. One of the games that we all had fun playing yesterday was Boxing. We all Boxed on Boxing Day... haha. Did you know I was clever? I did work out extra hard yesterday after a huge feast on Christmas Day but I must admit that I think my back muscles hurt from boxing on Wii and not from my work out. Ridiculous!

Thought you would all get a huge kick out Mia kicking some booty! She was the fastest to take down her opponent. If you want to know why, click on this below video. Please ignore her bedhead!

Christmas Morning

Terence woke up first on Tuesday, Dec 25th. He got up at about 8am even though he was tired. I made him wait for his sisters before he started opening presents. I love this photo of him yawning and trying to wait patiently. He always squats like this and it reminds Curt and I of how the Chinese squat.

Present opening time

A few more from X-mas Eve

Girly Girls.

Think this one of Ali in dress up shoes is so funny. Look at how she points her toes!

In this video, Mia was just pouting about Keira getting some cool lipsticks until she found out that she too got lipsticks!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Best Wishes

Merry Christmas
Kellemes Karacsonyt
Joyeux Noel
from our family to yours

Monday, December 24, 2007

We Beat Santa Home (just after 10pm)

Love these 2 photos.

Curt's laugh is great on the left. Right, Uncle Peter and Curt dancing with Mia and Ali.

Opening presents!

Some of the girls: Sarah, Kerry and me.

Every year we go to the McGann's for x-mas eve. We've done it for at least.... 7 or 8 years. Maybe less because we may have went to the Hagmann's B.C. (before children) on x-mas eve. Cannot remember.

Anyway, every year, we race home to beat Santa. We leave when or Google Earth says Santa is in Eastern Hungary and we race home all claiming (me the most) having seen him on the rooftops between the McGann's and our home. It is so funny. Now the kids are all locked (not really 'locked' but doors are closed and they are too afraid to open them) in their bedrooms, fast asleep while the elves are fast at work....

Terence watching Liam play his new game. And, Mia posing!

The Tats

Sunday, December 23, 2007

In Front of the Tree in PJs

This is my final blog entry today!! I am almost caught up. Still have to add a few parties and fun things but will try and catch up over the next week. This last post includes photos from this evening - after bath, in front of the tree, in clean pajamas. They are so excited about Christmas.

Just a funny side note, Mia is such a brown noser. First, the password on that she selected is 'iloveusanta'. Too funny. She told us that this is what she wanted her password to be - she still cannot spell like that! Then, tonight while she was in the bath alone and I was in the next room getting Ali's pajamas on I heard her singing a made up song that went something like this, 'I love you Santa. I love you even more than my mommy....' And, on and on. We had just had a serious talk about how Santa and his elves can see and hear everything. So, she figured it was her last chance to get the 99 items on her list from Santa tomorrow night. Not really 99 but it seemed close including a new bed, sparkly clothes, dollhouse, skateboard, etc. I cannot even remember half the things as she just named as many things as she could think of... Always entertaining us!

This Week's School Christmas Parties

Last week was a very busy week of Christmas parties at Ali's nursery school and Mia's school. Terence's class is too old now for the Christmas show but they've been already practicing for a couple of months for a spring performance. Maybe Curt will have to make it to that one!

I took Mia and Terence with me to Ali's school party / performance. Her little class didn't have much participation other than sitting up on stage with the rest of the group singing Christmas carols. Hence the only stage photo (from the side) is not so great.

Ali loves her teacher and babysitter, Brigi, who she affectionately calls 'BIGI!'

Mia loved catching up with all her friends and looking at all the presents - one for each student and one for each student's parents.

Here's Ali bringing me the present that she made me. A beautiful clay candle holder in the shape of a Christmas wreath (I think she may have had a little help from Bigi)

Every girl at the school got one of these dolls. Ali loves dolls and she was happy to give her a hug right away.

2 nights later on the 20th of Dec was Mia's Christmas party. Since Terence was in school (performance started at 1:45pm), I took Ali with me.

All the kids from the Petite Section through the Grande Section (Mia's in Moyenne) were instructed to wear red and / or white. When the curtains opened all the parents gasped at how adorable they all looked. My photos didn't do it justice!

Mia is in the 3rd row about 5 or 6 from the left side of the stage. The kids sang several songs in French and then finished with 2 Christmas songs in Hungarian.

Le Pere Noel made a special surprise visit.

Rather than handing out a present to each child, Santa handed out presents to the classes. Mia's class got 3 presents and her teacher, Claudia, chose Mia to go up and get one of the three presents. Mia was so excited. However, later she told me that she wasn't able to keep the present but had to keep it in the classroom.
After the performances and present distribution, we had a party in Mia's section of the school. All the moms brought cakes, cookies, drinks, etc. for the kids and they all loaded up on sugar. Ali loved running around to all the little tables and helping herself.

Terence's Drawings

Once in a while Terence really gets into the mood to draw. Yesterday he drew these two pictures - very intently. He described the first as a castle with a king and queen and no children yet. There's a dinasaur on the top right trying to break in and a bad guy throwing snow balls at the king (hanging out his window). There's a king's bed and a queen's bed on the 3rd level. Christmas tree with all the presents on the ground floor. Stuff in the attic - as Terence pointed out and the big circles around the top and side of the castle are snowflakes. He said he wanted big round snowflakes. Who was I to argue... As he explained all of this he also pointed out there is a lot happening in this picture because if you look in the top left corner you'll see a strom coming. In front of the storm is... the man of the hour: SANTA CLAUS. He wasn't happy with his reindeer's antlers but I think they look great. What entertainment! Curt and I are definitely not creative at drawing so we are always easily impressed.

After he drew the above drawing he quickly drew the one below. He told us that it's him and dad skiing. I love the addition of the parachute. We leave next weekend to a new resort (new to us) in Slovenia. Should be fun!

Merry Christmas

Just a few recent pictures from our family to yours. Wishing you all the best this holiday season.

Santa is Coming Tomorrow Night

The kids are SOOO excited. This year we wrote a letter and we also sent him an email at Check it out!

Going to try these this week

These cookies look really good. We love oatmeal and we love peanuts so seems like a good combination for our family. We'll let you know what we think.

Sledding in Budapest

Had a great time sledding last weekend. Terence has been waiting almost 2 years to use his race car sled that Ali brought him when she was born. Last year we had just a few snow flurries. This year we had enough to cover the ground a couple of times. Sledding (across the street) has been great. All three of our dogs love the snow. Blue, our border collie, loved chasing the kids down the hill. He ran up and down herding us all up the entire morning. The photo above is a perfect photo of him chasing after Terence.

Terence calls this his Formula 1 sled

Ali's first experience sledding. She was trying to take it all in.

Mia (our fashion queen)

Both girls expected to be pulled. They are both princesses!

Terence tried but they were a bit too heavy for him.

Half way between our home and the sledding hill.

I love these eyelashes!

They were pretending to sleep in the snow. After a couple of hours they were beat!

All the dogs. Blue, Greta and Kiraly

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