Sunday, December 23, 2007

Terence's Drawings

Once in a while Terence really gets into the mood to draw. Yesterday he drew these two pictures - very intently. He described the first as a castle with a king and queen and no children yet. There's a dinasaur on the top right trying to break in and a bad guy throwing snow balls at the king (hanging out his window). There's a king's bed and a queen's bed on the 3rd level. Christmas tree with all the presents on the ground floor. Stuff in the attic - as Terence pointed out and the big circles around the top and side of the castle are snowflakes. He said he wanted big round snowflakes. Who was I to argue... As he explained all of this he also pointed out there is a lot happening in this picture because if you look in the top left corner you'll see a strom coming. In front of the storm is... the man of the hour: SANTA CLAUS. He wasn't happy with his reindeer's antlers but I think they look great. What entertainment! Curt and I are definitely not creative at drawing so we are always easily impressed.

After he drew the above drawing he quickly drew the one below. He told us that it's him and dad skiing. I love the addition of the parachute. We leave next weekend to a new resort (new to us) in Slovenia. Should be fun!