Sunday, December 23, 2007

This Week's School Christmas Parties

Last week was a very busy week of Christmas parties at Ali's nursery school and Mia's school. Terence's class is too old now for the Christmas show but they've been already practicing for a couple of months for a spring performance. Maybe Curt will have to make it to that one!

I took Mia and Terence with me to Ali's school party / performance. Her little class didn't have much participation other than sitting up on stage with the rest of the group singing Christmas carols. Hence the only stage photo (from the side) is not so great.

Ali loves her teacher and babysitter, Brigi, who she affectionately calls 'BIGI!'

Mia loved catching up with all her friends and looking at all the presents - one for each student and one for each student's parents.

Here's Ali bringing me the present that she made me. A beautiful clay candle holder in the shape of a Christmas wreath (I think she may have had a little help from Bigi)

Every girl at the school got one of these dolls. Ali loves dolls and she was happy to give her a hug right away.

2 nights later on the 20th of Dec was Mia's Christmas party. Since Terence was in school (performance started at 1:45pm), I took Ali with me.

All the kids from the Petite Section through the Grande Section (Mia's in Moyenne) were instructed to wear red and / or white. When the curtains opened all the parents gasped at how adorable they all looked. My photos didn't do it justice!

Mia is in the 3rd row about 5 or 6 from the left side of the stage. The kids sang several songs in French and then finished with 2 Christmas songs in Hungarian.

Le Pere Noel made a special surprise visit.

Rather than handing out a present to each child, Santa handed out presents to the classes. Mia's class got 3 presents and her teacher, Claudia, chose Mia to go up and get one of the three presents. Mia was so excited. However, later she told me that she wasn't able to keep the present but had to keep it in the classroom.
After the performances and present distribution, we had a party in Mia's section of the school. All the moms brought cakes, cookies, drinks, etc. for the kids and they all loaded up on sugar. Ali loved running around to all the little tables and helping herself.